Monday, December 05, 2005

Today got even better! When I got the mail today there was a package in it for me! Whoo-hoo! Yippie! Cathy's present for the birthday exchange finally arrived. I must say the wait was well worth it! First of all I was (and still am!) speechless with what Cathy made for me. She stitched the design Imagination Creation by Dragon Dreams and turned it into a flat fold. It is beautiful!!


Anonymous said...

What great things you got! And what a beautiful piece. I was checking out your recent finishes and you certainly have an electric needle! That snowman is gorgeous!

Kim said...

I love that gift, it's so nicely done. The colors are just wonderful. And the other gifts are fantastic as well!

Carol said...

Oooo, that is pretty! I have never seen that DD chart stitched up - congratulations!

Leslie aka zoeandcooper said...

So pretty. I love the blues in it. She did a lovely job!! What a nice present!