Monday, March 12, 2007

Internal Time Clocks

I have to say I absolutely hate when the time changes! My whole internal clock goes into shut down mode. It was bad enough that I was going to have to get up at 5 am by my internal clock but Zoey decided to bring her ball and lay between Mike and me and did a pathetic "mew" to try to wake one of us up at 4am by my internal clock. She was successful in waking us up but not in getting one of us to play!

I originally thought I wasn't going to get to do any stitching done today as I had to and get plates for my new van and get my AR driver's license. I got halfway there and realized I had left my birth certificate and marriage license at the house and I was too far to turn back and get it so I only got plates for the van. Looks like I know what I will be doing tomorrow!

I finished adding the blending filament to the fairy's wings. It is really sparkly! I was working on the green plants when I realized I missed 2 colors that I need. Grrr...maybe if if doesn't take to long to get my license I can stop by and pick up the colors.

I am have been working on my PIF gifts and I have 2 ready to mail out. I was hoping to be able to mail them all at once but I am not sure if it going to work out that way or not.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Braun said...

Mmm, my DH could sympathise. He always feels the hour difference when the clocks go forwards or back, so I'll be looking out for his bi-annual complaint in a couple of weeks!!