Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Busy, Busy

It has been a few days since my last post but I have been busy! Friday night I got my hair cut. It wasn't just a little trim either I got 15 inches cut off! For a long time I had been thinking about cutting my hair and going back to my natural hair color. Well, I finally did it and now my hair is short and brown. I love the haircut but I'm still not to sure about my natural hair color after all I had red hair for the last 16 years.

Saturday was extremely busy with Allie's birthday. We ended up having 3 extra kids that night. Which I might add, that won't happen again. I didn't have any problems from the girls but Mac and his friend were being typical 7 and 8 year old boys...annoying and ornery!! On top of all that, the weather started to get bad. Mostly it rained all day long but it was cold which meant the kids had to stay inside the house.

I was woke up Sunday morning to a thin layer of ice. The kids went up the hill in the backyard and slid down on whatever they could use for a sled. All that fun ended when it started to rain again. Mike had to to and check on FIL and make sure he still had power because there were reports of power outages in that area. This of course, mean I was alone with 6 children ages 7-13! By the time Mike got back I felt like Goldie Hawn in Overboard where she was sitting in the corner rocking and the kids were throwing grapes at Okay maybe not THAT bad but I was ready to pull my hair out. :)

My only silver lining was on Monday I was going to have the whole house to myself for several hours. My kids didn't have the day off for MLK and the kids I babysit were staying at home with their mom. One look outside Monday morning let me know that I wasn't going to get a day to myself! Over the night we had about 1/4 inch of ice.

I haven't done a lot of stitching in the past few days but I did find time here and there to put a few stitches in Footprints by TW.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Yesterday was my first day to stitch on A Time For Everything SAL with Becky in a long time! I was really excited to start stitching on it again.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I'm not sure if I am going to get any stitching done today as it hasn't been a great day so far. This morning when Mike went to take me to work he discovered something wrong with the clutch in the truck so we were going to have to take the car. No big deal other than it had a layer of ice on it. The doors were frozen shut so I was helping Mike pour water on it when I slipped on the porch and fell. I know it looked hilarious since I ended up dumping the pitcher of water all over myself! Believe me not a great way to start the day!


Anonymous said...

Those ice storms that you have been having are crazy! I hope that you will take a picture of your new hair sometime. that was very brave of you to take so much off and return to your natural color after so long. I'm sure that you will adjust to it and come to love your natural hair again. :)

BeckySC said...

ATF is looking good, Dawn :) I had a hard time getting back into mine-hoping next Tuesday is a better SAL day for me :)

Von said...

My natural color now is too much salt and not enough pepper, lol! Maybe when I'm around 65 and my hair color is entirely salt, I'll go natural again. I'm sure you look marvelous, Dawn, and so brave to take off that much length. :D

Anonymous said...

A Time For Everything is such a cute pattern. I saw it over on Becky's blog. We got ice where I live too.

Anonymous said...

I love this SAL and your TW looks good too!

Chiara said...

I love Time for everything...i'll put it on my wish list :o)...
Your winter is tremendous...this year in Italy there is a very hot winter (it's strange)...last week there was 15°C...

Anonymous said...

Beautiful progress on both pieces! And that image from Overboard is priceless! I feel like that an awful lot :D