I did crochet a little bit on the afghan today. I am a little over 1/3 done with the body. It has a lacy type border and I haven't decided if I will do that or just make a plain border. I have done it both ways and I like it both ways. I guess it just depends which one decides to be nice to me.
I guess you can tell I am starting to get excited about the little one's arrival. While I still have a longs ways to go I feel really good about this pregnancy. With Mac's pregnancy I was too scared to start buying things so we ended up having to do it all at once when we finally knew he would live. So, this time I am enjoying being able to have the luxury of looking and deciding what to get at my pace. :) We are planning on finding out the sex of the baby when I have an ultrasound done so some things are being pushed to the bottom of the list. So for now everything is neutral colors.:)
I've done exactly one quilt,
though I have acres of fabric to do more someday. It was a baby quilt and worked out wonderfully. I quilted the top with flannels (blue, pink, and yellow, too, since I didn't know the sex of the baby). The backside was super soft minky fabric. Since minky fabric is "furry", I just "tied" the quilt (stitched a small design in the middle of most squares), rather than full on machine quilting (which would have flattened the "fur"). The hardest part was the binding. I wish I had had a class for that, but I did get it done without too much ripping and whining. If you can sew a straight seam, you can quilt. Good luck!
Cute fabric combinations! I love the ginghams...my Granma made a little baby dress for me out of yellow, pink, and blue ginghams when I was little...and both my girls have worn it. That's one of the baby clothes that I've kept.
Quilting isn't too bad...this coming from a very much sewing impaired person. Just remember the seam allowances when cutting your squares (I always forget that part!) and don't rush. And if you need help on the binding, my Granma gave me a nice print-out of how to make a mitered binding...I would be glad to mail you a copy!
Today is the last day of school for my kids. I love having them around, but it will greatly cut into stitching time on my days off. But they're certainly worth more than anything I could stitch ;)
I think there's another 7 weeks of term left here but they don't go back until early September. Eldest DD finishes today until 16th June as she'll have finished her exams so no exams equals no lessons:) So she'll be VERY happy this afternoon!
Love the baby blanket. It's a gorgeous combination of colours.
Can't wait tos ee what you come up with...I'm sure it will be a smashing success!
I would love to learn to quilt! Can't wait to see your's come along!
How long until you get your ultrasound, do you know? So exciting!!
I love your gingham fabric! I made a couple of small baby quilts years ago, very simple ones using squares I cut from a couple of my maternity dresses. I was so thrifty!
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