Saturday, June 19, 2010

Collecting Shells

Another day goes by that I didn't get to stitch on anything *sigh* but I AM going to stitch tomorrow! Krissy is at my Mom's house for a week, Allie is going to the Zoo and CWS tomorrow and Mike has to work. So it will be just Mac, Megan and Me for most of the day. We might venture down to the park for a bit before it gets too hot. However, I am not sure how long that will last. When it comes to play areas Megan wants nothing to do with them. I'm talking about as soon as her feet hit the play area she starts crying with real tears! This is one phase I really hope she outgrows fast.

Collecting Shells

1 comment:

Kim B said...

Cole never wanted anything to do with play areas either. Hope she gets over it and enjoys them soon. Good luck getting that stitchy time you so need and deserve!