I finally added Megan's name to her stocking.
I know lately all I seem to be talking about is Megan but the other kids are keeping me just as busy as she is! The main thing right now is Mac goes in on Nov 18 for his next ear surgery. This time they will be working on both of his ears. :( Dr. L is putting an implant is his left ear so hopefully his hearing will improve. Mac is still having problems at school because of his hearing and it seems like his teachers don't want to acknowledge it. They tell me that he shows no signs of hearing loss but when I take him in for a hearing exam it shows that he can't hear a lot of things. Grrrr!! Mac seems to be looking forward to the surgery this time. I think it is only because he knows he gets out of school for 5-7 days.
I hate making these posts short and quick but that is all that Megan will allow me to do. :)
Have a great day!!