Thursday, January 25, 2007

SBQ of the Week and PIF

Today's SBQ was suggested by Danielle and is:

What company produces your favorite hand-dyed fabric? Are there any companies whose hand-dyed fabric you do not like? If so, why?

I dye most of my own fabrics so I guess I could call it Dawn's When I do buy fabrics I really don't have a preference as long as I love the color. :)

I was able to work on ATFE yesterday. I wanted to get all the scarecrow done so that next week I could start on the backstitching but it didn't work out that way.

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The other night when I picked up Mac's prescription I had something totally unexpected happen to me. We have been having some problems with the insurance company so when I went to pay for his prescription the co-pay was more than I had anticipated and I didn't bring enough cash. I told them that I would be back in the morning to pick it up. However, as I was walking away this gentleman came up to me and handed me Mac's prescription. He had paid for it! I was stunned!

I tried to get his name so I could repay him but he insisted that it wasn't necessary. He then told me I could repay him by "Paying it Forward". So, I am going to do as he wished by Paying it Forward.

Since a lot of other stitchers are doing this I am going to do mine just a little different. I will make 5 homemade gifts to send out to different stitchers. If you would like to receive one of these please let me know either by a comment or an email to me at If I don't get enough people to sign up I will then draw names from the addresses that I already have and send them out that way. I expect nothing in return but the satisfaction of knowing I put a smile on somebody's face.

**I still have one spot left to fill on the Pay it Forward...come on and sign up! :)**

You may remember a couple of weeks ago I mentioned that Renee would be coming for a visit. She will be arriving here tomorrow night! I am so excited!! I am not sure how much stitching I will get done during that time. I also won't be on the net much either so if you do send me an email don't be worried if I don't answer back until late next week.

Have a great weekend everyone!


Anonymous said...

WOW Dawn! I just love to hear stories like that. What a kind person to pay for Mac's prescription. Even better that he doesn't have to wait to start using it. :)

I wouldn't mind having a creation from you. But if you get more than 5 responses, you can bump me ff the end of the list, too. ;)

Carol said...

Great story! How sweet!

I will love to sign up for your PIF!!! My email is I will post in my blog to PIF as well :-)

Jenn said...

That was so sweet. I would love to sign up for your PIF. My e-mail is jennxstitch @ yahoo . com (with out the spaces.

BeckySC said...

Hi Dawn :)

What a sweet man :)Angels unaware :) :) :)

ATFE is looking great :) I DID work on mine, but thought I would wait until next week to show a pic :) You will have to remind me next week to SAL-as I almost forgot :)

Enjoy your visit with Renee :)

Debbi said...


How amazing that there are still such nice people in the world willing to spread generosity.

I would love to be part of your pay it forward. my e-mail is dlflowers32 @ yahoo . com

Stitching Mama said...

The scarecrow is too cute!!!

Anonymous said...

ATFE is looking gorgeous, Dawn.

Leslie aka zoeandcooper said...

I love your scarecrows! The look great. I am so excited to see your stitching again:)

Mylene said...

Hi Dawn, hope you are enjoying your time with Renee.

CJ in OK ;-) said...

Amazing how things happen just when you need them.