Friday, November 10, 2006

SBQ of the Week

Today's SBQ was suggested by Jan and is:

How many different brands of "complete" embroidery floss sets do you own? How do you keep track of it? (i.e., spread sheet program, index cards, palm pilot, etc.)

When I first started stitching I only bought the colors that I needed. After several years of stitching I have the complete set of DMC flosses. As for the specialty threads, I only buy them as needed. I keep my flosses in numerical order in plastic craft boxes.

I am so glad that it is Friday. Whoo-hoo!! That means I don't have to get up at 5:30 am to get the kids off to school. Even better is Mike has the day off! He hasn't had a Saturday off in 2 months. I already know he plans on do absolutely nothing. Me, on the other hand, will spend the morning cleaning and doing laundry. Then the kids and I need to go to the library to check out some more books and if I have enough time I am going to stop at LNS to see what goodies I must have. :)

I have decided to start joining in some exchanges again. After the move, I figured it was best that I didn't sign up for any because I had no idea what my schedule would be like. I am still participating in the Adopt-A-Stitcher Exchange. However, I noticed that I haven't been stitching small designs since I moved. That doesn't mean that I stopped buying small

Have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

No kidding ... TGIF

Anonymous said...

Have a great weekend!